How to Get 2JPEG for FREE?

2JPEG command line image converter software

2JPEG offers conversion from different formats including PDF and image files to the JPG format via the command line. The software is equipped with a wide variety of settings, such as the output file quality, size and location.

JPEG supports practically all the image formats including PNG, TIFF, GIF, JPG, Bitmap, PCX, TGA; Photo Camera RAW files: Nikon NEF, Canon CR2, Sony ARW, Panasonic RW2, Olympus ORF; Adobe PDF and PSD documents; Word Perfect graphics files; Windows resource files: ICO, CUR, DIB, ANI, CLP; Windows metafiles; FlashPix image files; Kodak Photo CD files; Paint Shop Pro image files; JPEG 2000 image files, and many more!

2JPEG conversion process is based on the graphics engine developed by the company professionals. During the 15 years of its existence it’s been improved and enhanced to match the most up-to-date tendencies of file processing requirements.

Since the functionality of the 2JPEG software is based on the command line, it is mostly often used for batch conversion. Graphics effects, such as blur, rotate, sharpen, and others are also included in the software package.

Today I am happy to offer you the commercial version of 2JPEG free of charge!

Just write a review of the program in your blog and send us a link to it. Just a short story about how the software helped you or why you think it’s useful. 5 or more sentences, a link to the program, and it is yours completely free of charge!

My team will send you full featured commercial version of 2JPEG for free within one business day upon receiving your request via the online support form. Good luck!

Mikhael Bolgov

See also:

How to get Universal Document Converter for free?
How to get Print Conductor for free?